Gold Vein Kratom:

Very Strong Sleep, Sedation, Relaxation, and Pain killing Attributes. Great Night Time Strain.

  • This is definitely a night time kratom strain. Our gold vein kratom starts life as a red vein kratom but is dried and processed in a unique way that gives this gold vein kratom unique qualities.

  • 100% Mitragyna Speciosa

    Our kratom is wholly organic and all natural without any of the harsh big pharma chemicals. No pesticides or chemicals used in growing or processing our kratom powders.

  • All our kratom contains high levels of alkaloids especially the two main active alkaloids 7-hydroxy-mitragynine and Mitragynine. For this reason, many customers have seen amazing results with these strains and often use a smaller serving size compared to lower quality kratom. Try experimenting with serving sizes. Remember, sometimes "less is more", and you may be getting more benefits from a smaller dose. It's best to start with a low dose, gradually increasing the amount until you achieve the desired effect. Starting with too high of a dose can cause nausea.

    Customers say: Low-moderate: 3 to 6 grams

    Moderate-High: 6 to 12 grams

  • Full Panel Lab Tested, alkaloids potency, 7-hydroxy-mitragynine, Mitragynine, and secondary alkaloids, pesticides, residual solvents, heavy metals, contaminants, microbial's, volatile organic compounds

  • These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases. This product should not be used while operating a motor vehicle or when working with heavy machinery. Do not take if pregnant. Ask your doctor for possible drug interactions if currently taking prescription medications. Not suitable for use under age 18.


Capsules Or Powder:

  • Capsules absorb slightly slower than powder. You can normally expect onset in approximately 30-mins to 45-Mins depending on the individual. They are easy to carry, convenient, and discreet.

  • Powder: The alkaloids tend to be absorbed more quickly and more thoroughly when taken in powder form. You can normally expect onset in approximately 15-mins to 30 -Mins depending on the individual. Powder kratom can be mixed with orange juice or simply washed down with water. Fair warning kratom is an acquired taste.


XL Capsules Size: Each capsule contains approximately 1000-mg / 1-Gram of our premium kratom powder. Take fewer pills and get the same amount of kratom powder.

Standard Capsules Size: Each capsule contain approximately 650-mg of kratom powder. This size is what you will find in almost all kratom shops and online kratom websites.

Powder: Most experienced kratom users tend to prefer powdered kratom.